Sing Out Loud

I was in the car, listening to (#notsponsored) Kids Place Live on XM radio with my kids. A song came on from when I was itty bitty. I remembered it, and much to the chagrin of my children, I sang in at the top of my lungs. The more I sang, the more I really realized how spot-on the message of the song was. The song was Sing by (#notsponsored) Sesame Street. I was touched to the core by this song. 


Does anyone remember how it goes: "Sing. Sing a song. Sing out loud. Sing out strong. Sing of happy, not sad. Sing of good things not bad. Sing. Sing a Song. Make it simple, to last your whole life long. Don't worry that it's not good enough, for anyone else to hear. Just sing. Sing a song"

Wow! I know this is a children's "secular" song, and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with our walk with God. Sometimes, however, I believe God uses any resource He can to remind us of His love, and our walk with Him.


First of all, this song reminded me of how we are made in the image of God, our loving Father. We may have times of feeling not worthy or not as good as somebody else, but GOD HIMSELF chose each one of us. We are all unique and wonderfully made, and most importantly, God chose ... He made the decision ... to make us in His image. This is kind of a big deal. He didn't have to do this, but he loved us so much, he wanted us to resemble him.

Do you have kids? Think back to when they were born. After you checked to make sure they had ten fingers and toes, what did you do? You wondered who he/she looked like. Did they look more like the mother? Did they have eyes just like the Father. You looked at that mouth, and it looked just like the mom's!


Guess what? God can look at us and say, "They resemble Me. I can see Myself in them." That is kind of amazing to me.

Second, this song reminded me that we can praise God no matter what! He loves our voices! He loves when we make noise for Him! He enjoys hearing our singing and banging, no matter how off key it may be!

Again, think back to children. Do we not beam with pride when we go to their little school plays or choir events. We do not care how bad it is. That's OUR children! We get out our cameras and video equipment and capture the whole thing, loving every minute of it!


How, then, must God feel when we make this noise for HIS glory. Our singing, banging, clanging, strumming is for Him. We are worshiping HIM. He must beam with pride.

Third, yes there is a third point to this little song, it reminded me that we should not CARE what other people think about us. We get entirely too wrapped up in trying to fit it, to be normal. We do not have to do this all the time. As long as it glorifies Him, God made us to stand out. It is okay to let our quirky flag fly. If we want to sing, let us sing. If we want to wear bright colors, wear bright colors. If we want to wear a wrap on our heads, go for it. God loves us. God is smiling down upon us. We are meant to be unique. It's okay.


So by all means: "Sing. Sing a song. Sing out loud. Sing out strong."

By: Amanda Marie, Director of Social Media Marketing