April 28, 2024 Normal Is NOT Coming Back

You might as well get used to it...


NORMAL is NOT coming back...




... and it could not be soon enough!!!


I'm flat tired of all the "garbage".


That's a MUCH better term, maybe not as descriptive, than what I'm thinking about it.


Anyone else tired of all this "garbage"?


When Claudia and I were Missionaries in a little town in Tanzania, East Africa, they had a term for "garbage". This was 1972. We didn't have computers or smart phones or drones or the Internet. We didn't have garbage disposals or once a week "garbage" pickup by the city. We had a big hole out back, and a burn barrel.


The perishable things went into the big hole. That hole is where all the snakes and rats would be, feasting on all the refuse therein. Mongooses would dart in and out, feasting on the snakes within the hole. So, that hole was filled with all the filth, danger and rotting "garbage". We were also blessed with a very pungent odor from that hole, as well.


What was in that hole was what we called in Swahili, "Takka Takka".


I'm just dang tired of all the Takka Takka this world is offering us, and want to get on to greener, more peaceful, Eternal pastures with Claudia, and the friends and family who want to come, too.

Pat Rutherford